Monday, April 22, 2019

dear mother earth i'm sorry

Dear Earth,
I apologize for us all, for the way in which we have been treating you.
In the ways in which we have been treating each other as well.
We aren’t taking care of this beautiful planet and those that inhabit it.
We must be kinder.
To the ground we stand upon.
To the hearts near and far.
To each soul that is struggling through this journey of life.
We are all walking this path at this time together.
Mother Earth is trying to provide but she is hurting watching as fear grows through us.
We must be more loving.
Treat yourself with more compassion.
Give yourself space to feel and understand your heart.
To not allow the anger or sadness fill you so that you can not see or understand.
Earth can only give as much as you give yourself.
See this planet for all of its life and love.
For all the beauty it provides.
Be softer with your heart.
Hold it tenderly to understand we are all souls feeling so much.
Not paying attention to our bodies. Our temples.
Our homes. Our country.
Our earth.
Each other.
Each soul radiates.
Each soul battles with their story and their identity at different times.
Have more compassion for all those who occupy the soil we all stand upon in this universe.
Mother Earth, I thank you for doing all you can as we try to feel and deal with our confused hearts and misunderstood emotions.
I thank you for every star in the sky that lights a path.
For the moon that is always shining when we need it most.
I thank you for each sunrise and sunset, where colors emerge from the darkness.
For the beauty you have created for us to be more present in ourselves and where our two feet are planted.
Thank you,
a soul trying to love as deeply & compassionately as she can